1st Calculator |
It is the best calculator I know. If you check the Load at Startup option it will load automatically and dwell in the system tray. You can call it any time with your mouse or a hot key that can be assigned. There are a few skins, a list of physical constants and mathematical functions. You can convert basic units such as inches to meters, etc. Use Shift+Enter to copy the result to the edit line.
SN Calculator |
Very nice calculator, a worthy replacement for the standard Windows one.
Wise Calculator |
This sophisticated calculator allows you to make complex calculations and see the history and edit it.
When I downloaded version 4 it demanded borlndmm.dll.
Invisible Calculator |
An interesting calculator. You cannot see it unless you press Ctrl+NumLock. Then it will sum the clipboard contents if it is a math expression and replace it with the result.
Measure |

If you need to convert rare units that 1st Calculator does not have you can use this small handy application.
Versaverter |

The program contains 36 tabs according to units categories (speed, viscosity, etc.), 979 units altogether. It can update its databse online.
Currency Converter |
Something that the two above programs lack is something that you always lack. Sorry for the pun. Currency Converter can fix it… well not what you thought; all it can do is convert between over two hundred world currencies. I mainly use the program as news source: it can update its database online and you can see the dynamics of a currency rate change.
BK Periodic Library |
If you ever need Mendeleyev’s periodic system of elements, this is the best program to use. Absolutely full data on each element, search function, etc.
Êàëüêóëÿòîð Âðåìåíè |
It can sum and calculate hours, minutes, seconds. You may need it if you want to calculate the length of your MP3 files that you want to copy to a musical CD.
TimeTrans |
Another time converter.
World Time |
You can find out what time it is in a lot of cities worldwide.
BarCow |
Check if the barcode is genuine and which country the goods are from.
MatriCalc |
Matrix calculations.