Air Schedule in Odessa

Here is the timetable of flights of the airport of Odessa. All times are local (UTC+2).

Flight information From Odessa To Odessa
Destination Plane Days Flight # Departure Arrival Flight # Departure Arrival
Aleppo YAK-42 UZ541 10:30 12:55 UZ542 15:55 18:20
Athens B-735 3 VV227 15:20 17:30 VV228 18:30 20:40
Budapest CRJ MA131 16:05 16:45 MA130 12:50 15:25
Budapest B-737 4 MA6131 16:05 16:45 MA6130 12:25 15:05
Damask YAK-42 4 T6313 08:00 11:00 T6314 12:00 15:00
Dnipropetrovsk AN-24 1.3.5 7D372 18:00 19:50 7D371 07:20 09:10
Donetsk AN-24 1.3.5 7D372 18:00 19:50 7D371 07:20 09:10
Donetsk YAK-42 2.4 UZ8961 09:00 11:00  UZ8962 12:30 14:30
Dubai YAK-42 1.4 T6301 16:15 22:25    
Dubai YAK-42 2.5    T6302 01:00 05:30
Erevan  TU-134 4 UZ543 09:30 13:30  UZ544 14:45 16:45
Erevan  AN-24 5 U8826 11:25 16:50 U8825 08:00 09:55
Istanbul  YAK-42 2.5 T6303 08:00 09:20 T6304 16:20 17:40
Istanbul  YAK-42 3 T6303 16:30 17:50 T6304 19:30 20:50
Istanbul  B-734 1.4.6 TK1466 11:40 13:05 TK1465 09:00 10:25
Ivano-Frankivsk  YAK-40 1.5 5K3511 14:45 16:05 5K3512 19:45 21:05
Kharkov AN-24 2.6 HG916 21:30 23:10 HG915 09:00 10:40
Kiev (KBP)* AN-40 DAILY VV108 08:20 09:50     
Kiev (KBP)* AN-40      VV107 12:50 14:20
Kiev (KBP)* AN-40 4     VV107 14:20 15:50
Kiev (IEV) YAK-40 5K3501 07:45 09:05 5K3502 09:55 11:15
Kiev (IEV) YAK-40 DAILY 5K3503 17:00 18:20 5K3504 19:10 20:30
Larnaca * B-735 7 VV293 09:55 12:55 VV294 13:30 16:00
Moscow AN-140 1.3.6 5K505 09:15 13:05 5K506 14:25 16:25
Moscow AN-140 7 5K505 09:30 13:30 5K506 14:25 16:25
Moscow* B-733 1 UN208 12:30 15:30 UN207 10:30 11:30
Moscow B-733 2.4.7 UN208 13:00 16:00 UN207 11:00 12:00
Moscow* B-733 1.5 UN208 12:30 15:30 UN207 10:30 11:30
Moscow YAK-42 5 UZ545 15:30 18:20 UZ546 19:30 20:20
Sankt-Petersburg AN-140 7 5K515 09:15 14:15 5K516 15:45 18:45
Sumy YAK-40 1.5 UZ8965 09:00 10:35 UZ8966 11:35 13:30
Tbilisi  YAK-40 6 UA618 13:00 19:45 UA617 09:00 11:55
Tel Aviv * B-738 3 LY654 01:10 02:50   
Tel Aviv * B-738 2     LY653 19:55 23:40
Tel Aviv * B-733 4 VV239 20:40 22:30 V240 15:40 19:30
Warsaw ER-4 LO768 14:20 15:20 LO767 10:45 13:40
Vienna B-737 DAILY PS820 14:40 15:35 PS819 10:45 13:40

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