If this is your first visit to this site, and you are having trouble finding your way around, it may be useful for you to have a look through the site map. This will give you an idea what the site is all about, what each section deals with, and will help you learn to navigate around the numerous pages using the navigation buttons at the side of each page. At the same time, the full contents of the site are available in the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Or you can read…
In a Nutshell
One of the objectives of this site for the time being is to give a clear, concise and comprehensive overview of what you should expect to encounter and what to know if you aim to meet and perhaps get married to a girl from Russia, or other countries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU), also known as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Although marriage scams do exist on the Internet there are many men out there, armed with common sense and a little courage, and they should manage ok especially with the advice of someone who already knows the ropes. To this end please see our Step by Step Guide and the invaluable list of Potential Problems and Pitfalls.
Other Stuff
Please note that this site originated in Russian and is currently being translated into English. Therefore a few sections have to be translated yet: software, help concerning languages… Please bear with us for the time being, however, Rome was not built in a day!
As you browse the site you will come across services that I offer which, depending on your personal circumstances, could be essential for your business if you deal with Russia or in your quest for a successful and trouble free meeting with a Russian girl. It may be of interest to you, for example, that among other services I can offer a quality translation from or into Russian, including correspondence and e-mail forwarding, plus telephone calls. Perhaps your Ukrainian girlfriend need an English teacher. Anyway please bear this possibility in mind as you tour the site or click to see what I offer, find out who I am and maybe we will do business together!
Just in case you are not in Odessa, Ukraine, and haven't been here before, read about this city. You may decide you want to visit!
If you think there can be anything interesting for you here, please make a bookmark.
If you want to send me e-mail, sign my guest book or speak over ICQ, please go to my contact page. You can do it anywhere within the site by pressing the Contact button in the upper right corner of a page.
Message Board
You can always address wide audience. If you ask only me, I may not know the answer to your questions, but if other visitors see it the probability of getting the correct answer soars. Therefore I recommend that you post all questions that you may have while browsing the web site at the message board unless they are strictly personal. The board is divided into sections according to the web site sections. If you press the last but one button on the right menu it will get you to the board section which corresponds to the site section that you are browsing at the moment.
Search page updated: several new search engines and new search categories added
Although I was not going to maintain the Odessa Section, I have added two more pages: timetables of trains and flights
The Search Page has been refined. Basically bad links were removed or fixed, there are not many additions. There used to be around 500 searches there, now there are fewer than 400. However, you can find a lot with the help of this page
Encouraged by a visitor to my site, I have translated another chapter of a novel about Stirltz
Great news. I have my own message board! It covers all the web site sections. You can get to the home page of the board if you press the second button on the left-hand menu, and if you press the last but one button on the right-hand menu you will get to the board section that corresponds to your current web site section. There are also links in the main menu. So please register and let us talk!
New section added:My Articles. I will collect my best offline articles there
My photos of the last year added. By the way, Happy New Year
The guest book has been set up. Comments are welcome. Also the search engine has been refined to exclude unwanted pages such as the site statistics from search results
The e-mail section has been fully translated. Software review pending
Some minor changes (a few more pages translated, etc). Basically, I am busy moving away from Odessa now, so I do not have time for major updates
The site’s own engine for searching its pages has been installed
The old site stirlitz.pisem.net is no longer there (visitors are instantly redirected here). Users update your bookmarks, referring webmasters update your links please
It looks like I have finally moved to igorkalinin.com. Many pages need translating, though…
I have registered my own domain of igorkalinin.com. Busy with redesign and translation!
The first English version of my web site was released at stirlitz.pisem.net